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AIZEN | EV CreditConnect

Mar. 22. 2023


AIZEN’s AI Banking-as-a-service (BaaS) platform, CreditConnect-EV, provides financial solutions to facilitate E-mobility financing by bridging the credit gap between banks and electric vehicle (EV) data economy platforms (manufacturers, fleet operators, charging station operators, mobile platforms, etc.). CreditConnect helps our bank partners to attract new customers, enables E-mobility data economy platforms to monetize their data and access more affordable finance. _____ AIZEN is an AI finance company providing an AI Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform, "CreditConnect", bridging the credit gap between data economy platforms and banks. The AI solution is already employed by various multinational financial institutions, such as Woori Bank, Woori Card, Hyundai Card or NH Nonghyup Life Insurance. The AI banking service, CreditConnect platform, is expanding its service to Indonesia and Vietnam. AIZEN I CreditConnect #emobility #financing #baas #fintech #greentechnology #electricvehicle