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AIZEN covers fast-growing data economy markets with
globally addressable AI Technology platform.


[Promoting Data Economy through AI, FinTech Investment, and CreditConn…

May. 12. 2021

[Promoting Data Economy through AI, FinTech Investment, and CreditConn…



Statistics from the first quarter of 2021 indicate that the international FinTech industry has hit record-high funding. Companies are expected to establish financial services as a requirement, and some observers have even claimed that “all companies could become FinTech companies themselves in the end.” Explosive sales growth has been seen among leading global companies thanks to strengthened investment in cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and other technological fields. AI and financial services will become a necessity for all companies in the future. AIZEN CreditConnect allows companies to offer financial products that are optimized to their loyal customers’ needs. Through that, CreditConnect has successfully expanded the financial offerings brought by AI. Particularly, platforms that based their growth in data can maximize their customer use by offering an easy and quick solution to lending. Vietnamese companies in retail, medicine, and education are building their sales through AIZEN CreditConnect to provide their customers with loans at the most optimal time. AIZEN CreditConnect also assists the companies in building their profits and growth by offering seamless lending solutions and risk management that do not involve complex financial processes. Many companies can use CreditConnect and other embedded banking services to acquire new customers and provide financial services. AI allows them to predict and manage customer behavioral patterns that can be used to condition AI and policies to enhance the efficiency of their financial services. AIZEN will expand its services to Vietnam, Indonesia, and Taiwan. Their AI-based banking service platform can contribute to the promotion of the data economy in these regions.