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Thousands of AI Models Needed for Future AI Banking

Jul. 12. 2021

Thousands of AI Models Needed for Future AI Banking



AIZEN has based its financial decision-making on its specialized system, focusing its technological development on artificial intelligence (AI)–based risk management. In the future, digital banking is expected to be grounded on systems that require thousands—even millions—of AI models for operation. AI-powered decision-making, core technology, and data infrastructure will become the core sources of competitiveness in the future, and for the last five years, AIZEN has worked together with financial institutions to realize this technology internally. Companies must internalize their AI capabilities to survive the transition to the future banking model. In particular, AI platform–based operating models are essential for scalable growth. At the same time, such technology should also be accompanied by concrete foundations in banking operation knowledge for a successful realization of data-based, real-time AI banking. At AIZEN, this process is led by a top-tier global team and finance experts. Ultimately, risk management is of paramount importance in finance. At AIZEN, a risk management team made up of experts that have worked in and provided risk management solutions to global financial organizations now work to enhance the core AI modules of tomorrow’s banking based on technology.